Tea Shipping
After a great meal, it’s time to relax and digest. Take a few moments to honour yourself as a unique individual who possesses incredible gifts. Come back to centre and rebalance as you indulge in a special cup of tea. This all natural, hand-blended herbal tea is the perfect conclusion to any meal. Serve it to ensure a Harmonious gathering.
Feel the whisper of a breeze as angelic wings enfold you. Relax in their embrace. You are safe. You are protected. The whole of your being is strengthened, healed and restored to balance. The clear channel allows you to gain clarity, insight and guidance. A beautiful stream of shimmering white light purifies and transmutes energy for your highest good. Become one with the universe. Ingredients Peppermint, Cardamon Pods, Elderberries, Spearmint, Jasmine Flowers, Lavender, Violet Leaf, Stevia, Gingko, Lemongrass, Pau d’Arco with Crystal Vibrations of Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Angelite, Celestite, Blue Lace Agate, Petalite, Flourite, Prehnite, Larimar, Rose Quartz, Rhodocrosite, Aventurine, Howlite, Moss Agate, Herkimer Diamond, Selenite, Malachite.
Join The Cult of the Canine. Anubis is the jackal-headed god of Ancient Egypt. He is guide and protector on your journey between worlds. His strength and loyalty will help you stay true to your path. His support will be invaluable when you are asked the ultimate questions – Did you live fully? Did you love with all of your heart? The truth cannot be hidden from Anubis. He transcends death. Regardless of your gender, find that strong, masculine part inside that longs to create real, lasting change and to redress the imbalances and injustices in the world. Ingredients Juniper Berries, Poppy Seeds, Black Sesame, Wood Betony, Dandelion Root, Black Cohosh, White Tea, Alfalfa, Black Pepper.
Awaken to all of the possibilities that life holds. You have the power to control your own destiny- act wisely. Attract abundance of all things positive. Establish a solid foundation from which to connect with nature and the spirit world. Go boldly but with care and conscientiousness for those you encounter. Life is to be savoured and experienced to the full – take care not to sleep-walk through it.
A butterfly cannot see its own wings. Hold a gentle, loving mirror to your soul. Gaze with new understanding, respect and love at your true inner being. Who you are is a very special, worthwhile person with many gifts. Settle upsets and internal imbalances. Be peaceful, calm and centred. You are truly loved and truly blessed.
Soothing waves break on the shore of your life. They take all past hurts with them, returning to the sea. They wash away your inhibitions and self-imposed limitations. Out in the water you see a dolphin jump. Your creativity is alive – explore it. Open up to the energy of a higher realm. Dance, play, swim in the healing, inspiring waters. Find true joy and wonder in your heart. Dolphin invites you to live, love and play from your authentic self.
If you’re ready, if you’re prepared, then assume a confident stance and call to the dragonfae. Fly with the dragons for strength, endurance, courage and truth. Now is the time to soar. Break through to new realms and dimensions. Your travels may take you through air, water, earth or through the sacred fire. The dragons may force you to confront your shadow and some uncomfortable truths but always they will protect you. Endurance and perseverance will be tested but your journey will be rewarded with immeasurable wealth - greater knowledge of self and true friendship.
Let your spirit soar. From this lofty elevation the eyes of the eagle see the most direct route to your goals. Stay focused. So many give up when they have almost realised their potential, their purpose, their dreams. Stay the course. Follow your flight plan and you will fully realise your objectives. You deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labours. The freedom of clear skies is yours – it’s time to fly!
An echo of laughter on the wind. A flash of fire in the darkness. A ripple across the water. An impression in the earth. The enchantress has a mystique, a boldness, an aura that is seductive. Her senses are open and she draws upon them all. She is a daughter of nature, at one with the elemental forces. She dances, she sings, she plays, she destroys, she creates. She knows your heart. Do you?
Be bold. Take a bite of Eve’s apple. Allow curiosity and courage to deliver you to wisdom; to love. Awaken the serpent energy and allow it to travel up your spine, to find expression. Celebrate your sensual nature. Dance, sing, meditate, create. Seduce your audience with the wonders and delights of your nature. You are the embodiment of beauty and love. Revel in the connection.
Through the goddess all is possible. Recognise that spark of the divine feminine in yourself and all aspects of the world around you. Invoke the subtle energies of the universe with love and appreciation. Embrace your power and potential. Celebrate the beauty of you mind, body and spirit. Gain strength through softness; gain initiation into the hidden mysteries. The goddess’s gifts are many. Are you willing to receive?
Connect heart and mind, mind and heart. Obtain guidance and spiritual healing. Be at one with the planet and the universe. Unite with others, unified action will bring love and peace to a tired earth. Celebrate the seasons; respect the forces of nature; show your light to the world. You are an integral part of the whole.
Develop your special talents. Speak your truth. Balance light & dark; discipline & fun. Remember that the world has great potential, even if it is not as you would like it to be. Know that you have the full spectrum of light, the rainbow, within you. You have the ability to bring a smile on a dull day & to inspire others with the possibilities that life offers. Never hide your true colours. Let them shine brightly and your golden energy will light the way. Specially formulated with crystal vibrations, pyramid energy, healing symbols, words, phrases, music and sounds.
Open your crown and third eye chakras. Connect with your higher self, your guides, your angels. Listen to your intuition and allow the free flow of healing energy from the universe. Revitalise your soul and energise your KA (Spirit Body). Allow this connection to facilitate the creative process and enhance psychic practice through meditation, dream work, readings and interpretations. Trust the insights you receive.
Sale!Nurture your inner child. Move your focus from the problems of the world and rejoice in the wonder of it instead. Expand your vision, be aware all that surrounds you. Approach others with honesty and integrity. Communicate your true feelings. Embrace simplicity. Be spontaneous. Let all the love you feel in your heart out there into the world.
On the throne sits a woman of strength and awareness. She draws on the power of the moon and respects the light of the sun. She understands the balance in and between all things. Her role is to restore and to nurture. She calls forth the earth energy and offers it to you so that your eyes might see past the mundane and look to the beauty and potential of your life.
It’s a new dawn, a new day; life can be whatever you want it to be. Everything is possible. Break out of your confines. Stand in your own power. View the world with love, compassion and empathy. Learn from your experiences. Your enthusiasm and energy will provide inspiration for others. This all natural, hand-blended herbal tea embodies the essence of reformation and transformation to expose “you” at your best.
Through the haze of incense, the Winged Priestess appears. Raising her arms, she invokes the goddess. To those looking on, she becomes the goddess. Working through her, the goddess provides visions of the future, knowledge of the mysteries, healing energy and love. Embrace these gifts with love and appreciation. Use them to stand strong in your own power and to empower and teach others.
Unite your head and your heart. Tap into universal consciousness. Become one with the heart beat of the Great Mother. Allow her to show you a glimpse of past, present, future outside of your linear timeline. Abandon worry and doubt as your senses are heightened. Your new perspective allows you to see things that were previously invisible. Premonitions are gifts granted with caution, care and love. Use them wisely.
Sale!View life with focus and clarity. Feel your mind become still and more orderly. Bring knowledge from past lives into this one. Remember your life purpose and become clear about the things that are most important to you. Recall and give expression to your inner knowing easily and effortlessly.
Sale!Open your heart. Surround yourself and those close to you with love and appreciation. Allow forgiveness to take place. Nurture and comfort your inner being so that you can provide the same to others. Encourage intimacy and affection in your life.
The death and decay of the old fertilises the new seed. Through Osiris, the great god of Egypt, we learn that it is never too late. New life can always be created from something others might perceive as dead. You are now on fertile ground. Keep believing, stay the distance, keep doing what must be done. There Allow time to work its magic. Germination and gestation. You will be rewarded.
Join The Cult of the Cat. Sekhmet is the lion-headed goddess of Ancient Egypt. She is associated with symbolic death and destruction in order to facilitate healing, rebirth and renewal. She will help you take off the mask and destroy the facade you have built around yourself. It’s time to come home. See with the eyes of the cat. Regardless of your gender, find that warm, feminine place within where your authentic self resides. You are deserving of a second chance. Are you willing to take it? Are you ready for transformation?
High on a mountain, between the open mouth of a cave and the tumbling force of a river, the Shaman makes his fire. Within it’s circle of light and warmth he constructs his medicine wheel. The spiritual warrior connects with the universe and his power animal. There is a true sense of brotherhood and kinship. Every journey he takes brings him a little more knowledge, wisdom, respect for the earth and love for his brothers and teachers – whatever form they take.
Live every moment of your life. Tap into universal life force to regenerate and renew your energy. Alter your state of consciousness and journey back to your soul’s star of origin to reconnect with your truth and fulfil your life’s purpose. Go beyond your boundaries of belief and discover true wealth in all its forms. Fird your spark. Ignite it. Fireworks! Starfire is for those who are experienced energy workers. Take the next step.
Are you ready to lift the veil? Come home to Isis, great goddess of Egypt. Allow yourself to be wrapped in her sensual splendour. Discover her mysteries. Create a bond of sacred trust. Connect with the limitlessness of the universe and all its possibilities. As she reveals herself to you, are you willing to reveal yourself to the world?
Sale!As we take time out and step back from the world, our perspective changes. When we ground ourselves and feel the earth’s energy, we establish a solid foundation. We are able to view life as a cycle of birth, death and rebirth. As this wheel of life turns, we learn lessons, we grow, we reach higher levels of understanding, love and appreciation.
Can you hear them? These whispers are the key to unlock sacred mysteries, secret knowledge. As an initiate, you have the ability to bridge the gap between time and space, to walk between worlds, to meet your past and future selves. This whispered knowledge is powerful. It can heal the world one heart at a time. It can connect and unite us all. We are one. Herald the dawning of a new age of communication and understanding.
The white goddess whispers words of compassion, words of comfort, words of forgiveness. Come to her for guidance, peace and love. Her purity and tenderness are her strengths. Impatience, jealousy, envy and hate vanish before her. She will lift the weight of circumstance you have placed on your own shoulders, enabling you to move towards enlightenment. Ingredients Soy compound, Lotus Root Powder, Angelica, Liquorice Root, Cinnamon, Honeysuckle, Calendula, Chamomile, Cardamon, Galangal, White Pepper, Marjoram with crystal vibrations of Selenite, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Chalcedony, Flourite, White Jasper.